Veterans In Need

Veterans In Need

This program is one of, if not the primary objective or function of the Marine Corps League here in Pensacola, FL. The League�s Veterans Service Officer / Corpsman Mission Statement says, �Assist Service Members and Veterans who demonstrate a desire for government and/or non-government organization support in the areas of initiation of VA service connection, benefits qualification and ID card processing, housing, health care, mental health, addiction and employment services through counseling and referral.�

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Mission Statement

Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps. This is accomplished by banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service; voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines and former Marines and to their widows and orphans, and by perpetuating the history of the United States Marine Corps through fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.

Pillars of Success

Organize, Structure, Plan for Mission Success ...Like who we are, Marine Corps League Members.

Express the Espirit de Corps and Joy of the League with all our efforts and actions.

Emulate "No Better Friend" to the Greater Pensacola community in giving back and contributing to the welfare of the whole.