Recently members of the Marine Corps League Detachment 066 in Pensacola, Florida launched the 2016 Heroes Among Us Speaker Series with a visit to the office of the Honorable Ashton Hayward, Mayor of the City of Pensacola.  Mayor Hayward will serve as the Honorary Chairman of the Board for the upcoming season and the Action Team Members of the HAU Committee presented Mayor Hayward a framed copy of the up-coming events. The mayor was briefed by the team members on the scheduled speakers which include local heroes like Pensacola native 1st Lt Gary McArthur, USA and Milton resident, Captain, Rupert "Skeets� Fairfield, USMC.  In addition the mayor was informed that Major General Richard Secord, USAF (Ret) and the members of the Special Guerilla Unit of Hmong soldiers would be the honored guests for Allies Night on 27 October 2016. The Hmong soldiers who served with General Secord in Laos are coming for all over the country to be at this historic event in Pensacola.
    The mayor expressed his thanks and appreciation to the members of the Marine Corps League for the effort they have made over the last three years and pledged his support for this season. The Action Team Members thanked the mayor for taking time from his busy schedule to meet with them and told him they were honored to have him as the Chairman of the Board. The members of the Marine Corps League understand that without broad community support our efforts to recognize those who have sacrifice for our nation would be limited and that the support of Mayor Hayward is a testimony to the decency of the honorable people of Pensacola.