Public Affairs Detail

Memorial Day-The American Eagle

Memorial Day-The American Eagle

                                         THE AMERICAN EAGLE-SYMBOL OF THE REPUBLIC

The memories of a veteran will always be different from those of the average American. 

Colored by service and sacrifice, permanently scarred by the picture in his mind of those who will remain forever young.

Today as we honor our fallen heroes, the American Eagle is in a hospital bed near death. 

However, come what may, His will be done, we his brothers remember.

We remember the most decorated living Corpsman in the United States Navy.  We remember his service in Vietnam for six and one half years, tending to the wounded and helping the unfortunate civilian victims of war.

We remember the Corpsman who was shot down three times in one night flying medevac missions at the battle of Khe Sanh.

We remember his courage and dedication to duty.  We remember the man who knew that Quick Clot would save lives. 

"Doc� Thomas Eagles, we remember you, a man who has saved more lives than any Corpsman in the history of the Naval Hospital Corps both on and off the battlefield.

One day at The Wall, you mourned those you could not save because Quick Clot was not available in Vietnam while remaining a comrade to us all.  You suffered from the effects of agent orange in silence while consoling other veterans.

Now this American Eagle maybe near death but let us make a vow as free men, that his memory will never be erased from the hearts and minds of his fellow countryman..  

On this  Memorial Day, veterans and citizens, let�s not speak of a happy holiday of celebration but rather let us speak of a Holy Day of remembrance.

 Let�s not say "thank you for your service� or some other cheap slogan but let us say "we remember�.

"Doc� Thomas Eagles, Chief Hospital Corpsman, USN we your brothers in arms and fellow citizens "We Remember�. 


Semper Fidelis

Memory Eternal



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