Public Affairs Detail

Once A Marine Always.... A Marine Corps League Member

Once A Marine Always.... A Marine Corps League Member
The National Command Authority of the Marine Corps League has announced that hence forth all Active Duty Marines can become regular members of the Marine Corps League for FREE during the duration of their enlistment.

To Join the J.R. Spears Det 066 please go to the application web page and sign up. 

Welcome aboard Marines and Semper Fidelis  
 E, Rouse, PAO, MCL

1-All Active Duty Marines can now become regular members of the Marine
Corps League for FREE,for the duration of their enlistment.

2-The Detachment will send a separate transmittal with all the Marines
necessary information and state they are Active Duty (AD).

3-They will be issued a regular membership number with AD in front of it
giving them all rights and privileges including voting and holding office.

4-The National Jr.Vice will send a membership template to the Detachment
to fill out and issue to the Marine once they have received his/her
membership #.The Detachment will put the join date with no end date.

5-The Detachment WILL keep a separate list of all their Active Duty
Members under this program.They will be handled the same as an
Honorary member in that they will have to be renewed every year prior to
their join date to prevent the data base from running them delinquent.

6-The Detachment will also send a copy of the transmittal to the National
Jr.Vice Commandant who will also keep a list of the Active Duty Marines.

7-The Detachment will be responsible to keep track of these Marines and
keep them involved and interested by any means necessary.If the Active
Duty Marine gets transferred to a new Duty Station the Detachment will
work with the Marine to find him/her a new Detachment near their new Duty
Station.It will then be handled like a regular transfer according to our By-
Laws,that will include sending in a change of address.The National Jr.Vice
will also be notified.
8-The Marine Corps will also be putting out the word to all Marine Corps
installations regarding this new program.

9-The Detachment will also be responsible to give the Marine a Magazine.

Marines, this is a new program so there may be some glitches.
If you foresee a problem contact me and we will work it out.

Dennis Tobin

National Jr.Vice Commandant

More Public Affairs

"Monthly Membership Meetings"
2nd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm.

University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514