The Final Muster   Â
        Since I am PAO officer for the MCL and I write a lot in the course of my duties I am reluctant to take more space and ink than I deserve. However, as a former United States Marine I feel compelled to remind our fellow citizens on day of the passing of the last known survivor of the battle of  Iwo Jima in Santa Rosa County, of a few significant historical facts concerning the battle:
        Iwo Jima encompasses a total of 8 square miles of territory and there was 36 days of pitched battle. A total of  26 Medals of Honor were award for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty during the battle including 5 Medals of Honor in one day by the 5th Marine Division. The United States Marine Corps suffered over 25, 000 casualties during the battle including 6800 Marines who were killed in action. The enemy suffered over 22,000 casualties all of whom were killed in action except 212 prisoners of war.
        I will leave you with only one other observation on this day we remember and mourn Walter Sullivan
        Do you really think in your heart of hearts that we as Americans are still capable of such sacrifice as was made by Walter Sullivan and those who did their duty at Iwo Jima ?