Marine Corps League Program

Veterans In Need

Veterans In Need

This program is one of, if not the primary objective or function of the Marine Corps League here in Pensacola, FL. The League’s Veterans Service Officer / Corpsman Mission Statement says, “Assist Service Members and Veterans who demonstrate a desire for government and/or non-government organization support in the areas of initiation of VA service connection, benefits qualification and ID card processing, housing, health care, mental health, addiction and employment services through counseling and referral.” … But that’s only part of what the League provides when a Veteran comes to us for help.
“In-Need” means a Veteran, from any branch of the military that served Honorably, if they find themselves upside down with bills, we can help - instantly. Once vetted, we can pay over due electric bills, house payments, food, etc, etc. Mind you, this is a HandUp, not a handout. Not one Veteran who received help, hasn’t asked what they can do to pay it forward! What makes our Veterans-In-Need Program different from all the rest and so affective, is the speed, comprehensive care and lack of red tape the Marine Corps League here in Pensacola provides. Literally, our leadership “swarms” to make things happen moments after a call from a Vet in need!
Our objective is to bring immediate stabilization to the whole family, reassuring them that the service to our Nation will never be forgotten or bound up with red tape. Here is the thing…unlike virtually all other similar support programs, 100% plus, of the funds collected from people like you, go to help our veterans. All those who work in administration with the League, who put on the events and go with the Veterans to facilities when needed, do without receiving ANY compensation. As a matter of fact, members in this Detachment, the Cpl J.R. Spears, #066 Detachment, willingly use their own money and donate regularly to help our Veterans. Please read about the sacrifice from Cpl. J.R. Spears on this site.

"Monthly Membership Meetings"
2nd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm.

University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514