Marine Corps League Program

Pathways For Change

Pathways For Change

Pathways For Change (PFC) is a Pensacola, Florida nonprofit organization founded in 2005 to provide social, educational and spiritual assistance for individuals impacted by poverty, substance abuse and lack of education. Dedicated to it's mission of “Changing Lives, Reducing Crime, Building Futures,” and working in partnership with more than 30 community organizations, PFC offers an extraordinary continuum of services that include residential substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, play, music and art therapies for children who have experienced severe trauma. Its addictions treatment program is a successful legal sentencing option that includes mental health counseling, case management and educational training, and assures 100% employment upon graduation. The groundbreaking Men’s Residential Treatment (MRT) program has reduced repeat offenses of participants by 70%, and saves local tax - payers more than $600,000 each year. PFC also provides education, vocational and Christian counseling services for financially struggling individuals and families through The Family Center , and transitional services at the Clinton Cox Residence , a 12 - room, state - of - the - art facility where clients prepare themselves to transition from drug/alcohol dependency to reentry into society as productive members.

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"Monthly Membership Meetings"
2nd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm.

University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514