Public Affairs Detail

HAU - Coast Guard Cutter Night

HAU - Coast Guard Cutter Night
Pensacola, Fla. � The Cpl. J.R. Spears Detachment of the Marine Corps League announces the Annual Heroes Among Us speaker series event for July 28th, 2022 with our Guest of Honor CWO-4 Keith Raisch, US Coast Guard (Ret).

CWO-4 Raisch has over 36 years� experience as a Deck, Navigation and Watch Officer, including 10 years aboard the CGC EAGLE, 5 years on board the CGC POLAR STAR and two command tours on the 160� marine construction vessel CGC SAGINAW.  While assigned to the Coast Guard Academy and aboard the CGC EAGLE he served as both a classroom assistant and instructor for programs involving leadership, navigation, rules of the road, safety at sea, operations, maintenance and administration. He also served as a Department Head on three vessels, responsible for all administrative functions of the department. He retired with over 30 years of sea duty, including 21 years continuous years afloat, earning him the designation �Old Salt� indicating the most sea time of any member of the USCG.

Admission is free and open to the public, although donations will be accepted for the Heroes Among Us Fund to help veterans in need.

Donations for the �Heroes Among Us Fund� can be sent to:
Edward Rouse CPA, 98 Weed Street, Pensacola, FL 32514
Checks made payable to: HEROES AMONG US FUND

MEDIA NOTE: To arrange interviews or for more information, please contact Edward M.  Rouse, MCL, POA (850) 260-0505.

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"Monthly Membership Meetings"
2nd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm.

University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514