Media Contact:
Edward M. Rouse [email protected] 850-623-3250
Event Date: October 24th the last Thursday of the month (NOTE 3rd THURSDAY)
Place: Rosie�s at Seville Quarter
Time: 6:00pm HAU Speakers Series
Reflection � Coming Home _ Iwo Jima
Pensacola, Fla. � The Cpl. J.R. Spears Detachment of the Marine Corps League announces the Annual Heroes Among Us speaker series event for October 24th, 2019 with our Guest of Honor Corporal Don Graves, USMC
Don Graves was sixteen years old when he heard the news that American forces had been attacked at Pearl Harbor. From that moment he knew he wanted to be a Marine, like his father who had served in the First World War. Little did Don know, however, what lay ahead when he shipped out to the South Pacific to fight in the legendary Battle of Iwo Jima. Join the Marine Corps League as Corporal Graves shares the story of what he saw and did in that war, how the war affected him and how as a Marine he overcame the wounds from that battle. Don Graves is a dynamic and thoughtful speaker who speaks from personal experience about what it takes to �win� even after the fighting is over. Do not miss his amazing story of battlefield valor and post war survival.
Admission is free and open to the public, although donations will be accepted for the Heroes Among Us Fund to help veterans in need.
Donations for the �Heroes Among Us Fund� can be sent to:
Edward Rouse CPA, 6825 Oak Street, Milton, FL 32570
Checks made payable to: HEROES AMONG US FUND
MEDIA NOTE: To arrange interviews or for more information, please contact Edward M. Rouse, MCL, POA (850) 623-3250.
University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514