Public Affairs Detail

HOA - Sniper Night

HOA - Sniper Night

Media Contact:
Edward M. Rouse [email protected]  850-260-0505

Event Date:  May 26th the last Thursday of the month  
Place:  Pensacola Veterans Memorial Park
Time:  6:00pm HAU Speakers Series

Sniper Night- Captain Blake Cole, USMC

Pensacola, Fla. � The Cpl. J.R. Spears Detachment of the Marine Corps League announces the Annual Heroes Among Us speaker series event for May 26th, 2022 with our Guest of Honor Capt. Blake Cole, USMC

Once completing MOS training as a rifleman then PFC Cole reported to the 3rdBattalion, 5thMarine Regiment and passed the Scout Sniper Platoon Indoctrination within his first month at Darkhorse.  Less than a year later, he won a meritorious promotion to the rank of Corporal before deploying with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit to East Asia.  In 2003 he was serving as a scout sniper for 3/5 during the invasion of Iraq and on September 11, 2004 deployed again in support of Operation Phantom Fury.  He was wounded in action on November 12, 2004 in Fallujah, Iraq and awarded the Purple Heart Medal, as well as, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Combat �V� for his service during that period.

Admission is free and open to the public, although donations will be accepted for the Heroes Among Us Fund to help veterans in need.

Donations for the �Heroes Among Us Fund� can be sent to:
Edward Rouse CPA, 98 Weed Street, Pensacola, FL 32514
Checks made payable to: HEROES AMONG US FUND

MEDIA NOTE: To arrange interviews or for more information, please contact Edward M.  Rouse, MCL, POA (850) 260-0505.

More Public Affairs

"Monthly Membership Meetings"
2nd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm.

University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514