Public Affairs Detail

HAU - Cobra Gunship Night

HAU - Cobra Gunship Night


Media Contact:

Edward M. Rouse [email protected] 850-623-3250

Event Date: June27th the last Thursday of the month

Place: Rosie�s at Seville Quarter

Time: 6:00pm HAU Speakers Series

Cobra Gunship Night

Pensacola, Fla. � The Cpl. J.R. Spears Detachment of the Marine Corps League announces the Annual Heroes Among Us speaker series event for June 27th, 2019 with our Guest of Honor Col. Eric �Ferris� Buer, USMC, (Ret.), DFC

Col. Buer is the former Commanding Officer of, Marine Aviation Training Support Group 21 and he retired in 2016. Colonel Buer has more than 4,000 flight hours along with 363 combat sorties. He is a graduate of the Weapons and Tactic Instructor Course (1994), Amphibious Warfare School (1997), USMC Command and Staff College (2001) and the Marine Corps War College (2007).

Colonel Buer�s civilian education includes: B.S. Economics (Ohio Wesleyan University), M.B.A. (LaSalle University), Masters of Military Studies (USMC Command and Staff College) and Masters of Strategic Studies (Marine Corps War College).

His personal awards include: Defense Superior Service Medal w/OLC, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross w/ combat �V�, Meritorious Service Medal w/ gold star, Air Medal w/ combat �V� gold numeral 2 and Strike/Flight numeral 17, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal w/ gold star, Joint Service Achievement Medal and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

Admission is free and open to the public, although donations will be accepted for the Heroes Among Us Fund to help veterans in need.

Donations for the �Heroes Among Us Fund� can be sent to:

Edward Rouse CPA, 6825 Oak Street, Milton, FL 32570

Checks made payable to: HEROES AMONG US

MEDIA NOTE: To arrange interviews or for more information, please contact Edward M. Rouse, MCL, POA (850) 623-3250.

More Public Affairs

"Monthly Membership Meetings"
2nd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm.

University of West Florida, Building 78, Room 103
11000 University Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32514